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313301 DATA STRUCTURE USING C k scheme syllabus

Are you a student pursuing a Diploma in Computer engineering under the K program and looking for the latest courses?

You have come to the right place! In this post, we have provided detailed information and free downloadable PDF of 313301 Data structure using c K scheme syllabus for 2024 academic year.

Students I have also completed my Diploma in Computer engineering. So, I know it was very difficult to find out the syllabus from the official website of Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education.

Stay ahead of your studies by having access to the most up-to-date curriculum, including important topics, course objectives and learning outcomes that are critical to your academic success. Don’t miss out on this treasure!

Lists of unit of Data structure using c

  • Unit – I Introduction to Data Structures
  • Unit – II Searching and Sorting
  • Unit – III Linked List
  • Unit – IV Stack
  • Unit – V Queue
  • Unit – VI Tree

Unit – I Introduction to Data Structures

1.1 Introduction: Concept and Need of Data Structure, Definition, Abstract Data Type
1.2 Types of Data Structures: (i) Linear Data Structures (ii) Non-Linear Data Structures
1.3 Operations on Data Structures: (i) Traversing (ii) Insertion (iii) Deletion

Unit – II Searching and Sorting

2.1 Searching: Searching for an item in a data set using the following methods: (i) Linear Search (ii) Binary Search
2.2 Sorting: Sorting of data set in an order using the following methods: (i) Bubble Sort (ii) Selection Sort (iii) Insertion Sort (iv) Quick Sort (v) Merge Sort

Unit – III Linked List

3.1 Difference between Static and Dynamic Memory Allocation.
3.2 Introduction to Linked List, Terminologies: Node, Address, Pointer, Information field / Data field, Next pointer, Null Pointer, Empty List.
3.3 Type of Lists: Linear List, Circular List, Representation of Doubly Linked List.
3.4 Operations on a Singly Linked List: Creating a Linked List, Inserting a new node in a Linked List, Deleting a node from a Linked List, Searching a key in Linked List, Traversing a Singly Linked List.
3.5 Applications of Linked List.

Unit – IV Stack

4.1 Introduction to Stack: Definition, Stack as an ADT, Operations on Stack-(Push, Pop), Stack Operation Conditions – Stack Full / Stack Overflow, Stack Empty /Stack Underflow.
4.2 Stack Implementation using Array and representation using Linked List.
4.3 Applications of Stack: Reversing a List, Polish Notations, Conversion of Infix to Postfix Expression, Evaluation of Postfix Expression.
4.4 Recursion: Definition and Applications.

Unit – V Queue

5.1 Introduction to Queue: Queue as an ADT, Queue representation in memory using Array and representation using a Linked List.
5.2 Types of Queues: Linear Queue, Circular Queue, Concept of Priority Queue, Double-Ended Queue.
5.3 Queue Operations: INSERT, DELETE, Queue Operation Conditions: Queue Full, Queue Empty.
5.4 Applications of Queue.

Unit – VI Tree

6.1 Introduction to Trees Terminologies: Tree, Degree of a Node, Degree of a Tree, Level of a node, Leaf Node, Depth / Height of a Tree, In-Degree and Out-Degree, Path, Ancestor and Descendant Nodes.
6.2 Tree Types and Traversal methods, Types of Trees: General Tree, Binary Tree, Binary Search Tree (BST). Binary Tree Traversal: In-Order Traversal, Preorder Traversal, Post-Order Traversal.
6.3 Expression Tree, Heap

Laboratory Experiment / Practical Titles / Tutorial Titles

  1. * Write a ‘C’ program to perform following Operations on Array: Create, Insert, Delete, Display.
  2. Write a ‘C’ Program to Search a particular data from the given Array of numbers using: Linear Search Method.
  3. * Write a ‘C’ Program to Search a particular data from the given Array of Strings using Linear Search Method.
  4. * Write a ‘C’ program to Search a particular data from the given Array of numbers using Binary Search Method.
  5. Write a ‘C’ Program to Search a particular data from the given Array of Strings using Binary Search Method.
  6. * Write a ‘C’ Program to Sort an Array of numbers using Bubble Sort Method.
  7. Write a ‘C’ Program to Sort an Array of Strings using Bubble Sort Method.
  8. * Write a ‘C’ Program to Sort an Array of numbers using Selection Sort Method.
  9. Write a ‘C’ Program to Sort an Array of Strings using Selection Sort Method.
  10. * Write a ‘C’ Program to Sort an Array of numbers using Insertion Sort Method.
  11. Write a ‘C’ Program to Sort an Array of Strings using Insertion Sort Method.
  12. * Write a ‘C’ Program to Implement Singly Linked List with Operations: (i) Insert at beginning, (ii) Search, (iii) Display
  13. * Write a C Program to Implement Singly Linked List with Operations: (i) Insert at end, (ii) Insert After, (iii) Delete (iv) Display
  14. Write a C Program to Create Two Polynomials using a Linked List.
  15. * Write a ‘C’ Program to add Two Polynomials using a Linked List.
  16. * Write a ‘C’ Program to perform PUSH and POP Operations on Stack using an Array.
  17. * Write a ‘C’ Program to perform PUSH and POP Operations on a Stack using a Linked List.
  18. * Write a ‘C’ program to perform multiplication of two numbers using recursion.
  19. Write a ‘C’ program to print given string in reverse using recursion.
  20. Write a ‘C’ program to create a Singly Linked List and traverse in reverse order using recursion.
  21. * Write a ‘C’ Program to perform INSERT and DELETE Operations on Linear Queue using an Array.
  22. * Write a ‘C’ Program to perform INSERT and DELETE operations on Linear Queue using a Linked List.
  23. * Write a ‘C’ Program to perform INSERT and DELETE operations on Circular Queue using an Array.
  24. Write a ‘C’ Program to perform INSERT and DELETE operations on Circular Queue using a Linked List.
  25. Write a ‘C’ Program to Create a Priority Queue using a Linked List.
  26. * Write a ‘C’ Program to Implement BST (Binary Search Tree) and Traverse in In-Order.
  27. * Write a ‘C’ Program to Traverse BST in Preorder, and Post-Order.
Sr.No Units Weightage
1 Unit – I Introduction to Data Structures
2 Unit – II Searching and Sorting 
3 Unit – III Linked List  16 
4 Unit – IV Stack  12 
5 Unit – V Queue   10 
3 Unit – VI Tree  16 

313301 DATA STRUCTURE USING C K scheme Syllabus PDF 2024 Download

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