Are you a student pursuing a Diploma in Artificial Intelligence under the K program and looking for the latest courses?
You have come to the right place! In this post, we have provided detailed information and free downloadable PDF of 313302 Database Management System for 2024 academic year.
Students I also have completed Diploma in Artificial Intelligence So, I know it is very difficult to find out the syllabus from the official website of Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education.
Stay ahead of your studies by having access to the most up-to-date curriculum, including important topics, course objectives and learning outcomes that are critical to your academic success. Don’t miss out on this treasure!
List of units of 313302 Database Management System
- Unit – I Introduction To Database System
- Unit – II Relational Data Model
- Unit – III Interactive SQL and Performance Tuning
- Unit – IV PL/SQL Programming
- Unit – V Database Administration
Unit – I Introduction To Database System
1.1 Database concepts:-Data, Database, Database management system, File system Vs DBMS, Applications of DBMS, Data Abstraction, Data Independence, Database Schema, The Codd’s rules, Overall structure of DBMS
1.2 Architecture:- Two tier and Three tier architecture of database.
1.3 Data Models:- Hierarchical, Networking, Relational Data Models.
Unit – II Relational Data Model
2.1 Relational Structure :- Tables (Relations), Rows (Tuples), Domains, Attributes, Entities
2.2 Keys :- Super Keys, Candidate Key, Primary Key, Foreign Key.
2.3 Data Constraints :- Domain Constraints ,Referential Integrity Constraints
2.4 Entity Relationship Model : – Strong Entity set, Weak Entity set, Types of Attributes, Symbols for ER diagram, ER Diagrams
2.5 Normalization:- Functional dependencies, Normal forms: 1NF, 2NF, 3NF
Unit – III Interactive SQL and Performance Tuning
3.1 SQL: -Data-types, Data Definition Language (DDL), Data Manipulation language (DML), Data Control Language (DCL), Transaction Control Language (TCL).
3.2 Clauses & Join:- Different types of clauses – Where, Group by ,Order by, Having. Joins: Types of Joins, Nested queries.
3.3 Operators:- Relational, Arithmetic, Logical, Set operators.
3.4 Functions:- Numeric , Date and time, String functions, Aggregate Functions.
3.5 Views, Sequences, Indexes: -Views : Concept ,Create ,Update, Drop Views. Sequences :- Concept ,Create, Alter , Drop, Use of Sequence in table, Index: Concept ,Types of Index , Create ,Drop Indexes
Unit – IV PL/SQL Programming
4.1 Introduction of PL/SQL: -Advantages of PL/SQL,The PL/SQL Block Structure, PL/SQL Data Types, Variable , Constant
4.2 Control Structure:- Conditional Control, Iterative Control, Sequential Control.
4.3 Exception handling: -Predefined Exception, User defined Exception.
4.4 Cursors:- Implicit and Explicit Cursors, Declaring, opening and closing cursor, fetching a record from cursor ,cursor for loops, parameterized cursors
4.5 Procedures:- Advantages, Create, Execute and Delete a Stored Procedure
4.6 Functions:- Advantages, Create, Execute and Delete a Function
4.7 Database Triggers :- Use of Database Triggers, Types of Triggers, Create Trigger, Delete Trigger
Unit – V Database Administration
5.1 Introduction to database administration:- Types of database users, Create and delete users, Assign privileges to users
5.2 Transaction: Concept, Properties & States of Transaction
5.3 Database Backup: Types of Failures, Causes of Failure, Database backup introduction, types of database backups: Physical & Logical
5.4 Data Recovery – Recovery concepts , recovery techniques- roll forward ,Rollback
5.5 Overview of Advanced database concepts:- Data Warehouse ,Data lakes , Data mining, Big data ,Mongo DB , DynamoDB,
List of Laboratory Experiment / Practical Titles / Tutorial Titles
* Install the provided database software
*Note :- Ensure to Carry out following activities before creating database:
– Draw ER diagram for given problem
– Normalize the relation up to 3NF
1)Create Database for given application
2) Create tables for the given application
3) Assign Primary key for created table
4) Modify the table as per the application needs
* Write queries using DDL Statements for following operations –
1 )Create, alter, truncate, drop ,rename table
2) Apply Key Constraints for suitable relation.
* Write queries using DML Statements for following operations –
1) Select, Insert, delete, update, table
2) Apply Key Constraints for suitable relation.
* Write queries using DCL Statements for following operations – 1)Grant, Revoke
* Write queries using TCL Statements for following operations –
1) Commit, Rollback, Savepoint
Write Queries using built-in Arithmetic operators.
Apply built-in Logical operators on given data
* Use following Set operators to perform different operations.
Apply built-in relational operators on given data
Write SQL Queries using built-in String functions
Write SQL Queries using built-in Arithmetic functions
Write Queries using built-in Date and Time functions
* Implement Queries Using different Where, Having, Group by, & Order by clauses .
Write Queries using SQL built-in Aggregate functions
* Implement SQL queries for Inner and Outer Join
* Create and Execute Views ,Seqeuence and Index in SQL.
* Write a PL/SQL program using Conditional Statements- if, if then else ,nested if, if elseif else
* Write a PL/SQL program using Iterative Statements- loop,for, do-while, while
Write a PL/SQL program using Sequential Control-switch, continue,goto
* Write a PL/SQL code to implement implicit & explicit cursors
* Write a PL/SQL program based on Exception Handling (Pre-defined exceptions)
* Write a PL/SQL program based on Exception Handling (user defined exceptions)
* Write a PL/SQL code to create Procedures and stored procedures
* Write a PL/SQL code to create functions.
* Write a PL/SQL code to create triggers for given database.
Execute DCL commands using SQL
1) Create Users
2) Grant Privileges to users
3)Revoke Privileges to users
Sr.No | Units | Weightage |
1 | Unit – I Introduction To Database System |
12 |
2 | Unit – II Relational Data Model |
12 |
3 | Unit – III Interactive SQL and Performance Tuning | 18 |
4 | Unit – IV PL/SQL Programming | 18 |
5 | Unit – V Database Administration | 10 |