Are you a student pursuing a Diploma in Artificial Intelligence under the K program and looking for the latest courses?

You have come to the right place! In this post, we have provided detailed information and free downloadable PDF of 313306 Data structure using python K scheme syllabus for 2024 academic year.

Students I have also completed my Diploma in Artificial Intelligence. So, I know it was very difficult to find out the syllabus from the official website of Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education.

Stay ahead of your studies by having access to the most up-to-date curriculum, including important topics, course objectives and learning outcomes that are critical to your academic success. Don’t miss out on this treasure!

List Of units of data structure using python

  • Unit – I Introduction and Control Flow statements in Python
  • Unit – II Python specific Data Structures and functions
  • Unit – III Python Modules and Packages
  • Unit – IV Object Oriented Programming in Python
  • Unit – V Linear Data Structure Arrays, Link List, Stack and Queues using Python.
  • Unit – VI Non-Linear Data Structure.

Unit – I Introduction and Control Flow statements in Python

  • 1.1 Features of Python – interactive, object oriented, interpreted, platform independent.
  • 1.2 Python building blocks – identifiers, keywords, indentation, variables, comments.
  • 1.3 Python data types: numbers, string, tuples, lists, dictionary.
  • 1.4 Basic operators: arithmetic, comparison/ relational, assignment, logical, bitwise, membership, identity operators , Python operator precedence.
  • 1.5 Control flow: conditional statements (if, if else, nested if),looping in python (while loop, for loop, nested loops) loop manipulation using continue, pass, break, else.

Unit – II Python specific Data Structures and functions

  • 2.1 Lists: Defining lists, accessing values in list, deleting values in list, updating lists, basic list operations, built – in list functions.
  • 2.2 Tuples: Accessing values in tuples, deleting values in tuples, and updating tuples, basic tuple operations, built – in tuple functions.
  • 2.3 Sets: Accessing values in set, deleting values in set and updating sets, basic set operations, built – in set functions.
  • 2.4 Dictionaries: Accessing values in dictionary, deleting values in dictionary and updating dictionary, basic dictionary operations, built- in dictionaries functions.
  • 2.5 Use of Python built- in functions (e.g.type/ data conversion functions, math functions etc.)
  • 2.6 User defined functions: Function definition, function calling, function arguments and parameter passing, return statement, scope of variables: global variable and local variable.

Unit – III Python Modules and Packages

  • 3.1 Modules: writing modules, importing modules, importing objects from modules, Python built- in modules (e.g. numeric and mathematical module, functional programming module).
  • 3.2 Python packages: introduction, writing Python packages.
  • 3.3 Using standard Numpy: methods in Numpy, creating arrays and initializing, reading arrays from files,special initializing functions, slicing and indexing, reshaping arrays, combining arrays, NumPy maths.

Unit – IV Object Oriented Programming in Python

  • 4.1 Introduction to object oriented programming, creating classes and objects, constructor and destructor in Python.
  • 4.2 Data abstraction and data encapsulation.
  • 4.3 Concept of polymorphism- method overloading and overriding.
  • 4.4 Inheritance and types of inheritance.

Unit – V Linear Data Structure Arrays, Link List, Stack and Queues using Python.

  • 5.1 Data Structures – definition, linear data structures, non-linear data structures arrays – overview, types of arrays, operations on arrays, arrays vs list.
  • 5.2 Searching -linear search and binary search, sorting – bubble sort, insertion sort.
  • 5.3 Linked Lists – singly linked list, doubly linked list, circular linked lists, implementation using Python packages for link list.
  • 5.4 Stacks : introduction to stacks, stack applications – expression evaluation, backtracking, traversal – infix, prefix and postfix concepts.
  • 5.5 Queues: introduction to queues, queue applications – breadth first search, depth first search.

Unit – VI Non-Linear Data Structure.

  • 6.1 Trees – tree Terminology, binary trees: implementation, tree traversals, binary search trees
  • 6.2 Applications of trees – spanning tree, BST , tree traversal – inorder, preorder and postorder concepts.

Laboratory Experiment / Practical Titles / Tutorial Titles of Data structure using python

  1. a) Install and configure Python IDE .
    b) Write Python program to display message on screen.
  2. Write simple Python program using operators:
    a) Arithmetic operators
    b) Logical operators
    c) Relational operators
    d) Conditional operators
    e) Bitwise operators
    f) Ternary operator.
  3. Write simple Python program to demonstrate use of conditional statements :
    i) if
    ii) if…else
    iii) Nested if
    iv) Switch case
  4. Develop a simple Python program to demonstrate use of control loop: while.
  5. Create a simple program to demonstrate use of for loop in Python (e.g : various pattern building, printing multiplication table, checking palindrome number etc.).
  6. Write Python program to perform following operations on lists :
    a) Create
    b) Access
    c) Update
    d) Delete elements in list.
  7. Develop Python program to perform following operations on tuples:
    a) Create
    b) Access
    c) Update
    d) Delete tuple elements.
  8. Write Python program to perform following operations on set :
    a) Create
    b) Access
    c) Update
    d) Delete access set elements.
  9. Create a program to perform following operations on dictionaries in Python:
    a) Create
    b) Access
    c) Update
    d) Delete
    e) Looping through dictionary
  10. Apply math built – in function in Python.
  11. Develop user defined Python function for given problem: write a function with minimum 2 arguments.
  12. Create a program to demonstrate use of built-in module (e.g. numeric, mathematical functional and programming module) in Python.
  13. Write program to ceate a user – defined module (e.g : building calculator) in Python.
  14. Develop Python program to demonstrate use of NumPy packages for creating , accessing and performing different array operations.
  15. Write a program to create user defined packages in Python.
  16. Write program in Python to demonstrate following operations:
    a) Method overloading
    b) Method overriding.
  17. Develop program in Python to demonstrate following operations:
    a) Single inheritance
    b) Multilevel inheritance
    c) Multiple inheritance
    d) Hybrid inheritance
    e) Hierarchical inheritance.
  18. Write a program in Python for handling array to demonstrate following operations :
    a) Array declaration
    b) Insertion
    c) Deletion
    d) Append
    e) Index
    f) Reverse.
  19. Write a program in Python for linked list to demonstrate following operations :
    a) Insertion
    b) Deletion
    c) Updating
    d) Merging to list.
  20. Write a program in Python to demonstrate queue data structure operations :
    a) Enqueue
    b) Dequeue
    c) Display.
  21. Use the searching techniques in data structures:
    a) Linear Search
    b) Binary Search.
  22. Write a Python program to implement following sorting techniques:
    a) Bubble Sort
    b) Insertion Sort.
  23. Write a program in Python to evaluate an expression.
    23.Write a program to create binary tree from the given list using binary tree module in Python.

313306 Data structure using python K scheme Syllabus PDF 2024 Download

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